

Since I've already transmitted twice in the past two days, I'll make this short. Today, I woke up realizing that time is flying by. This is too bad, because my summer will be especially short - I leave August 6th for Spain, and then to France. I am waking up earlier than during any other summer, usually around 10 AM. Hopefully, I'll be waking up even earlier in due time. I enjoy a bit of morning time, especially since my room is so well lit in the morning.

Today, I woke up and sorted the last of my clothes that have to be put on shelves and on hangers and what have you. Slowly my room is coming together, like a giant Rubik's Cube of furniture, clothing, knicknack and carpet. I am lazy however, so it is slow work, and I sacrifice a good deal of time I should devote to housework to spending time with friends. I also haven't had time to read much yet, although I did recently finish "In A Sunburned Country" by Bill Bryson. Now I want to visit Australia. Well, I had always wanted to visit Australia. Now I want to visit Australia a lot. Will someone please lend me $10,000? I promise I'll bring you back a live kangaroo.

After I woke up, I went on a bike ride with Ryan, Molly, Joe and Allison to Lake Calhoun. It was especially nice and sunny, and I had never seen the Greenway before (okay, that's not completely true. I came there once when it opened several years ago with Helen and my Uncle Tom and Aunt Rebecca. It was nice, but there was a clown there that frightened me, as all clowns do and should). It is quite pretty - the greenway, not the clown. We played frisbee in the water, and I found some nice rocks. Molly however, was unaware of my recent fondness of rock collecting and started throwing some back into the lake until I stopped her. It was probably for the best as my backpack was quite heavy already. I got a fair bit of sun, and I'll get more as soon as it stops bloody raining every other day!

Once we rode back, Joe, Molly and I went to a choir gathering and I had the best watermelon I've eaten in ages. I love fruit, and I'm glad that I'm actually getting a decent amount of fruit, especially cherries. However, the two pounds of cherries Molly and I got for the pot luck cost *$11.57* When I build my time machine, I am going back and sewing the ground all about the Twin Cities with cherry trees, and we shall eat cherries like they were... uh, like they were candy! Free candy! Free candy for everyone! Yeah! Okay, now I'm tired, but I have to be social for some reason. Goddamn interpersonal relationships...

No Q&KaBAM! Time tonight. The Commodore is exhausted. Let the Commodore rest or else no cherries!

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