
My Perpetual Regret

I want holes drilled into the sides of my head, right next to my eyes, facing in that same direction, and in these holes will be threaded fiber-optic video cameras that will be able to record the world as I perceive it in real time. The fact that I do not have these cameras in my head right now makes me ever disappointed that some of the things I see are merely burnt into my brain, and not into a central processing drive where I can easily retrieve them. Also, with these cameras, I could then share with you, the readers of this adventure journal, said pictures or videos. Alas. I guess I'll have to make do with my SRL and Grandma Anne's digital camera - for which, I found a repair place on Friday. The silica packets did not work, unfortunately. Hopefully, they can get it done cheaply and expediently as I would like to have it before I go to Ireland on Friday. Ah yes, I forgot to mention, I'm off to Ireland on Friday.

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