
Hah! The Rockstarship is Go!

Gentleladies and Gentlemen, I have built me a rockstarship to carry me across the all the wide world. There's room for one and all, so please come with me and let's have us an adventure.

If I had more time or patience, I would let this blog age for a bit, gain some character, you know. However, I am a man of action, and while not actually an Action Man, I certainly won't let a good blog go to waste. Furthermore, I will never refer to this as a blog again. Along with ganglia and ululate, blog is one of my least favorite words in existence. Instead, I'd rather refer to it as...


For short, I'll just call it my adventure journal.

Due to my long-standing friendship with Ted Turner, the Pope and Madame BBC, this blog is being transmitted around the world to every monarch, paleontologist, chimneysweep and everyone in between. If you have problems accessing the site, please consult a time-zone map of the Earth. At mid-day over large population centers, such as China, the East Coast of the United States or the Hidden Kingdom of Shangri-La, no doubt hundreds of millions of frantic fans will be trying to log on to read what I have seen, encountered, eaten and possibly even been chased over a gorge by.

Even though I haven't actually posted this blog, I have already received a considerable volume of mail regarding my adventures. At the end of every blog, I will hold a brief Q&A session. Or as I like to call them, Q&KaBAM! sessions, because my answers can only be described in terms of equivalent tons of TNT.

I decided to start an adventure journal because:
1) my sister Martha has an adventure journal (or blog, as she calls it) and it is genuinely A+ quality.
2) I'm going to France come August, and an adventure journal is a convenient way of relating what I am doing to all of my relatives and friends without sending out a million e-mails and leaving an equal number of telephone messages. I get frustrated when I have to repeat myself
and 3) because I figured it would be cool. Why not do cool things? Warning! DO NOT play with liquid hydrogen. Kids, you will severely damage your hands and your dog.

This entry is getting long. The Rockstarship needs more power to the shields at the moment, as I am exploring the inside of the Sun. So to conclude...

Q&KaBAM! Time

Dr. William Magillicutty of South Beach, Florida writes,

Q: "Commodore, this is a double-header. How did you come up for a name for your bl... adventure journal, and if you could breath underwater, would you be interested in seeking out Atlantis with me?"

KaBAM! "Dear Doctor, naming an adventure journal is like naming a child. Well, not a legitimate child certainly. Okay, maybe not even my own progeny. More like speculating on the name of a baby across the street from you while you peoplewatch, waiting for the bus. I decided I wanted a name that captivated my personality. I search for quotes or phrases from literature, but since no one has written (extensively) about me, nothing fit spot on. I decided instead to describe the adventure journal itself. It is true that as you read this, my adventure journal is TRANSMITTING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! Also, I would be much interested in seeking out Atlantis. Meet me by Pier 37 in half an hour. Bring harpoons."

Rock on!

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