
Blah Blah France Blah Blah

News from France:

I went to the Marché Puce, the flea market on Sunday mornings at the edge of town where everything that has been stolen during the week gets resold. I got a pair of jeans and two sweaters for 11E total. This was, by comparison, a rip-off, since if I'd really tried to haggle I could've gotten everything for like two or three euros. It's like that one time I went to the annual rummage sale at Mac and got like twelve things for five dollars. In retrospect, I could've paid a single dollar for everything. And then I walk away and think to myself, "Had I bought even the jeans in a store, that would've cost me 18E, and that's only if I had saved the life of the cashier and saved the store from a hurricane." So really, I made off like a bandit.

Other than that, not much has happened here. I thought of something funny today, but now I've forgotten it.

I had a delicious beignet aux framboises (raspberry filled donut) that had real fruit filling instead of a high-fructose-corn-syrup jelly that is more dye than fruit. Aaaaaaaaand beyond that. Nothing. Started my internship with the architect, M. Ducros. Mostly I watched him as he went around to two houses he's building to check up on how the work was going. The French use concrete in everything they build, and insulate with styrofoam, which I thought was interesting. More Friday. Official class starts tomorrow with geomorphology, which I hope will go well. All the other Americans seem to be taking literature courses either in English or in French, so I guess I'm being ambitious?

Vote Obama, vote often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wait 6 days and this is the boring crap i get?